MAM – Community Quilt Project Update 8


Hello all!

This is just a quick update.

We now have a cut off date for blocks to be returned to me – 15th March 2025 30th March 2025. I will allow some grace for slow post but after that if your block isn’t here it may not make it into the quilt.

Blocks that have come in recently:

If you have any concerns regarding your block please email me: and let me know what’s happening.

MAM – Community Quilt Update 7

Hello all!

Happy New Year and welcome to 2025!

Just a small update for the moment.

These are the blocks that have arrived since the last update.


Thank you to everyone who has sent blocks back, or reached out to let me know where they are at.

We now have blocks equalling a little over 3 full rows of the quilt back now. Before  head back to classes in February I will be starting to assemble the blocks I do have with their sashings.

Everyone who has yet to return blocks can you please make sure you do so as soon as possible. Anyone who needs help or advice please email me on

MAM – Community Quilt Project Update 6


I have an update for the MAM CQP.

Over the last few weeks we’ve had an influx of blocks being returned plus I’m working on the digital submissions so I can print them on fabric.

Here’s what’s arrived:

As you can see we are starting to see the variety of experiences as well as the common feelings and symptoms that overlap between people.

I am wrapping up semester 2 at Tafe and once that’s over and all my customer quilts have been returned for Christmas I’ll be working on this quilt. I’ll be setting up the layout once more blocks arrive as I want the balance of colours to work well and not have clusters of colour or concentrations in any one place.

I’m excited to see what blocks arrive over the next little while.

Please make sure you get them back to me as soon as you can – and if you have any issues please reach out

Those who requested Zoom sessions – please keep an eye on your emails for new times available.

Happy crafting,

Marni x

MAM – Community Quilt Project Update 5


Just an update to say that we are fast approaching the cutoff for signups so if you would like to make a block for this quilt you need to get in ASAP. Sign up here:

Blocks are steadily returning and the current batch are below.

If you have any questions before you sign up please reach out with any questions via email here:

Those who’ve signed up for Zoom sessions will be notified in the coming week about available times now that the post has had time to get the blocks to everyone from the last postal run.

This quilt is really starting to come together and soon I’ll be able to share some of the assembly process.

Stay tuned!

Marni x


MAM – Community Quilt Project Update 4

Hello everyone!

I’m here with another update on the CQP since it’s been awhile since the last update.

We’ve reached a really good point of blocks having been sent out and the blocks are trickling back in as people finish them off, speak to me over Zoom and the snail mail catches up to things.

Below are the photos of the blocks that have come in so far – no names or information on them for privacy.

I would like to reassure you that these blocks are important for our message to Government – to really push the visual impact on how sick we are and what we go through. Many people have voiced a hesitancy in making a block because of their lack of creativity or sewing/art/craft skills. Please don’t be – everyone involved is representing the full range of skill levels – from never having done any craft to experts. Your contribution is very much welcomed, not judged and vitally important to the whole message we are working towards sending. It’s all about the stories we have to share and whatever you feel comfortable putting on the block is part of your story.

I am aware that we are asking people to be vulnerable here. Please be kind to yourselves and don’t overextend yourselves. Only do what you are comfortable and capable of.

If you are feeling nervous about making a block please reach out with any questions please email me here:

If you don’t want to participate but would like to help in some way there are other ways you can help.

1. Donate to the quilt specifically

2. Donate in general to Migraine Australia

3. Share the sign up for quilt blocks with others you know have migraine:

I hope everyone is as well as they can be.

Happy sewing!

M x

MAM CQP – update

Hello all!

Just a quick update for those following along with the Community Quilt Project.

More blocks have come back to me – so far we’ve had some come via post and I’ve had a couple of images for fabric printing come through as well. I’ll start sharing quilt blocks a little later, once a few more have arrived. I won’t be sharing all details of who did what as we have asked for social media consent in the forms and not everyone wants to be acknowledged in this way.

A few more blank blocks have been posted off.

There’s lots of chatter behind the scenes about people’s plans for their blocks, a lot of decision making and sketches happening.

Signs ups are still open and will remain open until block numbers hit what we need.

If you are interested but have any questions before signing up please send me an email.

Happy sewing!

Marni x


MAM – Community Quilt Project Update 2

Good morning!

We’ve had some wet weather around the coast these last few days – it’s my favourite type of weather, perfect to stay inside, warm and cosy and get some sewing done. Unfortunately it is the same kind of weather that does trigger my migraine so sometimes it’s rest time too.

I’m here this morning to update you all on what’s happening with the CQP – blocks have started to return to me and the best way I can describe what is represented is that it gives me goosebumps how powerful these blocks are. The whole quilt is going to be so emotive and visually  impactful. I can’t wait to see it finished.

Signs ups are still open and will remain open until block numbers hit what we need.

If you are interested but have any questions before signing up please send me an email.

Happy sewing!

Marni x



The Honey Pot Bee – Coral Crown Block

Hello and welcome to Frankenstein’s Fabrics! My name is Marni Franks and I’ll be one of your Queens for November’s block party.

The block I’ve chosen is one I designed, taking inspiration from traditional star and crown style blocks adding a little twist here and there.

When I first designed this quilt it was for a magazine commissioned piece and was sea-themed so in my head it was all about the ‘crown’ feel of the block – like sea anemones and sea urchins.

WARNING: This block has 69 pieces in it. I made 25 of these blocks for my quilt and it can be tedious making so many but making one block is fairly straight forward.

So let’s get started!

Note: Fabric descriptions as per my block

You will need:
Four, 4 1/2in squares of halloween character print
Four, 2in squares of dark sludge green spider web print
Four, 2 1/2in squares of light purple plain batik
Five, 2 1/2in squares of dark purple tone-on-tone spot
Four, 2 1/2in squares of light sludge green tone-on-tone spot
Eight, 1 1/2in x 2 1/2in rectangles of dark purple tone-on-tone spot
Eight, 1 1/2in squares of dark dark sludge green spider web print
Four, 3 1/2in squares of dark dark sludge green spider web print
Four, 3 1/2in squares of light purple plain batik
Eight, 3 1/2in squares of light sludge green tone-on-tone spot

Here we go!

9-Patch centre 
Dark Unit: Take one square of 2 1/2in light purple and two squares of dark purple. Stitch one dark square to either side of the light purple square and press the seams to the darker fabric. Make 2 units like this.

Light Unit: Take one square of 2 1/2in dark purple and two squares of light purple. Stitch one light square to either side of the dark square and press the seams to the darker fabric. Make 1 unit like this.


Abutting the seams stitch one dark unit to the side of a light unit. Press the seams. Attach a second dark unit to the other side of the light unit. Press the seams and set aside.

Half-Square Triangles
Pair up 4, 3 1/2in squares of light green with 4, 3 1/2in squares of light purple. With right sides facing, draw a pencil line diagonally from corner to corner across the wrong side of the pairs of squares. Stitch 1/4in either side of the drawn line. Cut along the drawn line and press open. Trim the squares down to 2 1/2in.

Note: I always make my HST units a little bigger than I need so I can trim down to size without any dramas. If you don’t feel comfortable with cutting squares at 3 1/2in go up to the 4in mark.

Repeat this for the remaining 4, 3 1/2in squares of light green and the 4, 3 1/2in squares of dark green.

Corners – make 4
Take one 4 1/2in square of halloween character print and in one corner place with right sides facing, a 2in square of dark green. Stitch across the diagonal, trim away the excess, 1/4in from the seam and press the corner open. NOTE: Please make note of rotation of your 4 1/2in square before attaching your dark green corners, in case you have a directional print like I do.

Tails – make 8
NOTE: Separate your pieces in half (two lots of four). You need to do this so that when you stitch them together you create a left and right-hand unit. 

Take a 1 1/2in square of dark green and a 1 1/2in x 2 1/2in rectangle of dark purple. Place the dark green square, with right sides facing, at the top of the purple rectangle. Stitch across the diagonal (either left or right), trim away the excess, 1/4in from the seam and press the corner open. Make 4 left and 4 right units.

Crown Unit – make 4 of each
Using the photos as a guide lay out the units, checking their orientation.

Take one light green 2 1/2in square and attach a dark green/light green HST unit to either side (check rotation). Press the seams. Piece 4 green units like this.

Take two light green/light purple HST units and piece them together (check rotation). Press the seam. Attach one left and one right tail unit to either side of the paired HST. Check the rotation of the tail unit. Press the seams. Make 4 units this way. See photo above.

Join a pair of the above units together lengthways. Press the seams. Repeat for all 4 units.

Take 2 Crown units and join them to either side of each of the 9-Patch centre. Press the seams.

Finishing the block
Take one of the Crown units and two 4 1/2in halloween character/dark green corner squares and attach one to each end rotating so that the dark green corner is in the bottom corner, use the photo as a guide. Repeat pairing up corners and units to make 2.

Using the above photo as a guide join one corner/Crown row to the upper edge of the Crown/9-Patch row, press the seams. Repeat with another corner/Crown row on the lower edge ensuring you check the rotation is correct. Press the seams.

Ta da!

Below is the quilt I made for Australian Patchwork & Quilting magazine – it’s actually the current issue Volume 27 No 8 and is available now. As you can see the use of just two colours in a light and dark tone really reveals the tertiary and secondary designs that the block creates.

If you have any questions about this block you can comment below, email, ring me on 0416 023 637 or you can find me in the Honey Pot Bee group on FB.

I can’t wait to see your blocks!

Happy sewing!

Marni xx