MAM – Community Quilt Project Update 6


I have an update for the MAM CQP.

Over the last few weeks we’ve had an influx of blocks being returned plus I’m working on the digital submissions so I can print them on fabric.

Here’s what’s arrived:

As you can see we are starting to see the variety of experiences as well as the common feelings and symptoms that overlap between people.

I am wrapping up semester 2 at Tafe and once that’s over and all my customer quilts have been returned for Christmas I’ll be working on this quilt. I’ll be setting up the layout once more blocks arrive as I want the balance of colours to work well and not have clusters of colour or concentrations in any one place.

I’m excited to see what blocks arrive over the next little while.

Please make sure you get them back to me as soon as you can – and if you have any issues please reach out

Those who requested Zoom sessions – please keep an eye on your emails for new times available.

Happy crafting,

Marni x