Slacking off…

Ok. I know. I have been terribly slack this month and not written many posts.

But in my defense I have been distracted by something very cool. (and also by something very boring but I won’t talk about grown-up paperwork, curse you BAS!)

This is what I’ve been mesmerised by ….


See what I mean? 🙂

So far I have quilted (since Tuesday morning)

– 1 x customer order (single bed size) and put the binding on.

– 2 x flannel play mats for the market on Sunday. Click here for market details.

– 1 x table runner (a UFO that has sat in a box for 4 years!)

– 1 x pastel baby cot quilt (will be for sale at market if I get the binding on in time)

And in between all of this quilting I have served customers, answered the phone, Facebooked (that’s a thing right?) pieced more customer orders and tried unsuccessfully to do paperwork (yuck).

As soon as I’ve had plenty more practice I will be offering a quilting service – I need to nut out the details but it will be fairly straightforward.

So… it’s now Friday night and I’m knackered but still have a busy few days ahead of me. But as tiring as this all sounds I am excited and can’t stop!

The Handmade Craft Market is finally at it’s new home on Sunday – I cannot wait to see all the new stallholders, catch up with the regulars and see what exciting hints we’ve all been doing since the last market (November last year – seems like years ago). I am also very very eager to see what our stallholder challenge has produced. There were 14 or 15 of us (I’ve lost count) and we each had a bundle of fabric from Frankenstein’s to use to make an item(s) to be donated to a charity raffle for Walk for Zoe. Some of you may remember that terrible news story in 2009 when Brodie Donegan was hit by a car driven by a drug affected driver on Christmas day. Brodie was 32 weeks pregnant with daughter Zoe. Zoe didn’t survive the accident but her mother’s determination that no other parent should go through anything like this has become the driving force behind her fundraising efforts for Miracle Babies.

After the market on Sunday I don my other hat and get the next beading magazine ready for design. This issue has a line up of amazing projects (I am biased though – I am the Editor :)). A lot of people ask me how I run a full-time business and contract for a magazine – well the mag is not a full-time job, so it’s not a case of juggling two full-time jobs. As the editor I source projects, organise paperwork, sort out what needs photography, more paperwork, editing of instructions and writing articles. I find the work I do for beading to be my unwind time from my unwinding sewing time. (I’m so unwound right now…) I have always liked writing so now I get a balance of writing and sewing.

Part of the reason why I made the move from the magazines to my dream of the shop was because I wanted to change my life around. Things didn’t feel quite right, don’t get me wrong things were good, but I had a niggle in the back of my mind that something needed to change. One day driving around with dad, he went to see his friend Chappy at the scrap metal yard and we went to the back gate of the scrap yard driving past a row of industrial warehouse units. The second one had a FOR LEASE sign on it. While dad was talking to Chappy I went and had a sticky beak… as I peered inside my brain immediately went off like New Year’s fireworks and everything fell into place. So I investigated what I had to do, who I had to speak to and what papers I had to sign and the rest is history.

So now 4 months down the track I run the shop, edit the magazine, attend local markets and sew to my heart’s content.

Also next week heralds the start of classes – I am teaching a basic appliqué class on Saturday the 25th of February. There are still spaces left in the class if you would like to book in. $30 for the class, it includes a kit (apron, vliesofix, stitch-n-tear). All you need to bring is – your machine, pencil, paper, scraps of fabric and threads to match. Any questions or to make a booking ring (02) 4325 2638.

I’ll have more classes up shortly so keep an eye on the tab. I’ll be adding some dates to previous classes as well.


I can’t promise I’ll be more dutiful with these posts – February seems to be getting away from me…











What is procrasti-sewing?

Procrasti-sewing is sewing that I do when I don’t want to do what I HAVE to do. Such as my BAS. Like I was doing this week.

My poor brain had a bit of a rebellious meltdown and went ‘nah we are not doing this, go do some sewing!’

So I did, mainly because one does not argue with one’s brain. Especially when said brain is in that kind of mood.

So I’ve done some sewing – I have been (slowly) piecing a custom order. It is using a large drunkards path block and I’m am happy to admit I am not the best at curved piecing, so I am cheating (not really) and using a curved master presser foot. To see it in action click here. The colours for this quilt are lemon, lime, two-tone mid green and dark emerald green. I was laying out the pieces on the table at the shop and realised that this quilt is a couple of firsts for me – a curved design and a green quilt. I mean I’ve used green but not for the whole quilt.

I have also been making Frankie’s girlfriend Bridie.

She doesn’t look like much…












She really was a bit of a mess this morning but she is starting to look the part. I’ll finish her tomorrow after my new (shiny) toy arrives in the morning. I am SO excited. I will post pictures so you can all admire it with me.

Pin the fabric and trace 2 arms and 2 legs - and yes that is a monkey pencil....













This week has been a mad rush of deliveries – there was fabric arriving left, right and centre. All the images have been uploaded to Facebook – there are still some technical issues with the shopping cart here on WordPress so any orders are still going through FB, etsy and My apologies for the dramas!


Anyways – I am about to have dinner, bit of a rush dinner (because there’s things that need doing) of fish and chips.



I surprise myself sometimes. I make silly little toys like Frankie and the act of making something so simple and cute makes me feel better. Or at least distracts me from how I am currently feeling. Toys are good when I have quilters block or if I just don’t feel like sewing a big job but still want to do some sewing.

So on Thursday I made Frankie (his girlfriend still needs stuffing) and he made his appearance in the shop this morning. He came home with me on Thursday night because for some reason in the mornings I am not the most organised of people. I quite frequently leave things at home when I need them (coffee mug, toy fill, mobile phone). So when Frankie came home, he got stuffed (haha!) and mum stitched his head closed.

For those of you who don’t know me I am the most atrocious of hand sewers. Mum enjoys it so she gets the work. It’s not so much that I won’t do it (and believe me there are a few quilts with the bindings sewn by me that look like a drunk spider crawled across it) but I don’t like to do it. Hand-sewing is not my forte and I don’t push the issue.

So Frankie is part toy, part cushion – definitely in the spirit of Frankenstein’s monster. His girlfriend will be finished on Tuesday so I’ll upload some pics of her. Her name is Bridie.

I am going to make them up as patterns/kits so if anyone is interested please email me.

Here’s Frankie helping out at the shop today –

Frankie looking at the halloween quilt.

Helping on the till

Looking at the new fabrics - Bella Butterfly.

So this week – new stock is pending, some cute things and something for the bunting fans. Maybe even slightly Hipster. 🙂

Australia Day on Thursday – please note we are closed. Any public holiday we are closed.

I have orders to fill and quilt tops to stitch. 🙂 But that’s par for the course.

I am also looking at starting a swap – anyone interested please email me – I will send you the information. It will be patchwork postcards made and sent (like to a penpal) every two months. Anyone can be involved and are more than welcome. The more the merrier.

I’m off to be now to read my book.




That rotating door…

Today has been an interesting one.

Firstly I had an exciting little chat with Melissa from Handmade Craft Market. We are planning something for the February market. Keep your eyes peeled for more details. I would reveal it now but it would spoil the surprise – but I can assure you it is going to be fabulous and crafty of course. 🙂

We then had an unexpected visit from Doug who is a rep for XLN fabrics – and I tell you he had some beautiful fabric samples. Most won’t be available for a while as they are just new to him and XLN but when they are ready… I nearly fell off my chair I was so excited and my poor brain went into overdrive with designs and ideas. Even dad was looking at some fabrics for some upholstery jobs.

Then Hans from Nolting popped in for a visit. I’ve known Hans for a few years now – he really knows his products and is always happy to help by sharing his experience. We had a good long chat and let’s just say there are some shiny things heading Frankenstein’s way…soon. 😀

It was a bit quiet this afternoon so dad measured up the classroom cupboards so he can put all the doors on (to hide all my messy storage!) and I designed a couple of cushion/toys for Patchwork & Stitching Magazine.

Tomorrow is a new day with more stitching!


Progress on the next thing and Isobel’s finished quilt

I have been a busy little sew and sew today.

Stitching the quilt for the kits that are coming. Sneak peek below.











Isobel’s quilt is finished.











I’ve been cutting out a quilt for another customer order.











I’ve also been making a … strange cushion. It was a request for electric orange and gold. So I’ve gone a little art deco for this one. It’s not quite ready to be seen so I won’t put any photos up just yet. 🙂

I am also in the process of making a single bed quilt for a little girl. It is a fresh and bright quilt with owls and little umbrellas. Pictures to come.

The shop is picking up quite nicely. I am talking to more teachers to get different types of classes up and running so keep an eye on the Classes tab for updates. If anyone is looking for one-on-one classes please don’t hesitate to ask. I am happy to teach you in this way if it makes you more comfortable. Classes are available for children as well (all students must be 15 years or older, no exceptions).

If anyone is interested in some quick jewellery making lessons – I am taking names and numbers. If there are any other types of classes that you are interested in please let me know – I have ‘interest’ forms for classes – scrapbooking, embroidery, basic sewing, dressmaking etc


Am off to do more paperwork!





Birthday and sewing related waffle

Today was my birthday.

I don’t really like my birthday

a) I don’t like being the centre of attention

b) January birthdays were never fun as a kid because all your friends would be on holiday so parties were always a bit light on in the crowd department.

c) I hate all that singing


I don’t mind getting older, in fact I am quiet enjoying being on ‘the wrong side of 25’. I laugh when I get carded at the bottle-o, I have found my first grey hair and I’m cool with it.

For years now I have insisted that we forget my birthday, no singing, no parties, no nothing. But I have yet to get away with that one.


Tonight wasn’t so bad. We went out for dinner – Vietnamese restaurant at Terrigal called Sapa. Cake back at my sister’s place and then home.

I spent the day sewing. Got a hug from my cat.

Birthdays to me are like Christmas and to an extent weddings. All the hype for one day and most of you spend uncomfortable for one reason or another. I think that’s why I like Halloween. There is no central figure, no person to celebrate. Just a holiday to celebrate with friends and family and food.


Now I didn’t want this post to be a ‘oh woe is me post’ so back to the sewing news –


Isobel’s quilt is finished – she will be receiving it tomorrow or Friday at the team lunch – must remind mum to take her camera and get photos. I will upload the finished quilt pics sometime on the next few days. It is very cute if I do say so myself.

There are more baby quilts on the way – orders for people who are having/have had babies recently. Congratulations to Mel on baby boy Lucas!

There will be some info on kits shortly – I am working on a teen girl quilt, there will be limited kits available so keep an eye out here and on FB and make sure you get in quick once the details are announced.

I am also organising more teachers for this year – still on the lookout for teachers so if you know of anyone who is willing and able to teach send them my way.

Anyways off to bed now am full of cake. Back to sewing tomorrow!









Over the last few weeks I have had several requests for personalised quilts for babies (some already born and some pending).

I thought it would be nice to share some progress shots and talk about what I am doing with these quilts.

This first quilt is for Isobel. She is about to have her second child –  a little girl due in a few weeks time.

This is the colour scheme. There are 9 fabrics.
Using the owls from the border print I created 3 owls shapes to embroider on some of the blocks.
I used some cardboard to make a viewing window to ensure the owl embroideries fit inside each block.
DMC embroidery threads in 3845, 5200, 703, 917, 414 and 791
My nice little stack of pellon squares to back each of the embroideries.
Using the viewing frame to make sure the owl is centred when tracing the design onto the block using a light box.
Blue washable marking pen
Pellon backing.
Pin the corners to secure while you are stitching.
Backstitch using 3 strands of thread.
Finished embroidery.

As the quilt progresses I will take more photos.

A quiet goodbye

I would like to say  farewell to my great aunt Mary who passed away yesterday afternoon.

Known as Aunty Mary she and my great uncle Basil (who passed away 14 years ago) lived on the South Coast. My favourite childhood memories of travels down the coast always included a visit to see them. Uncle Basil would give my sister and I a few dollars out of the coin jar and Aunty Mary would have a table full of baked goods for us like lamingtons and carrot cake. Their garden was always a wonderful place packed full of veggies and flowers. I remember as a small child feeling that they both were incredibly old as only a small child’s perspective can see people older than their parents.


The shop will be closed for one day this coming week so we can say goodbye to Aunty. Day to be advised.

The store will be closed on Tuesday the 20th December.

New Products

I love when new stuff arrives.

I’ll let the pictures do the talking.


1. Ant Maze (Aqua)




2. Ant Maze (Grey)


3. Backyard Party (Grey)

4. Backyard Party (White)



5. Birch Forest (Aqua)

6. Fun in the Vines (Green)


7. Bug Jars (Grey)

8. Bug Jars (Green)


9. Lots a Dots (White)

10. Samaras (White)


11. Snakeskin (Aqua)

12. Snakeskin (Grey)


13. Snakeskin (Green)

14. Snakeskin (Orange)


15. Windy Day (Aqua)











If you would like to order any of the above fabrics please email, ring 02 4325 2638 or come and see me in store. Just quote the number of the fabric and the quantity you would like to order. Remember we close at 4pm on the 22nd of December so all orders need to be in by midnight of the 17th of December so I have time to process them and get them into the post before we close for the festive season.

Happy Quilting!




On Saturday Frankenstein’s will be at the Wagstaffe Very Long Lunch/Market Day.

I will be selling fat quarters, fabric by the metre, gift wrapped fat quarter bundles, haberdashery, gift vouchers and taking bookings for classes for 2012.

If you are in the Pretty beach area this weekend make sure you stop by the market. The other stallholders and I will be in Turo Park, and then when the market is finished at 3pm the night continues down at the Wharf with music until 11pm.

Hope to see you there.

