April Catchup…

So we’re into April and I’ve got just a bit of housekeeping.

After a chocolate overloaded long weekend we are back at the shop and there’s a new look around HQ. Make sure you pop in and have a look.

Custom orders are still open – I’m making quilts, jewellery and will take on any quilting jobs you may need doing before the cold weather sets in.

Upcoming events –

May 5 & 6 – Wyong Quilt Show

May 12 & 13 – HCM Pop Up Market at Hornsby Westfield

May 19 – HCM Terrigal

I’m working on a competition quilt. Not going to reveal anything just yet but it is my very first attempt at entering a competition so I’m a little nervous. 🙁

May and June are going to be very busy with markets and shows – make sure you mark the dates down for everything thats coming up.




Just enough time….

…to squeeze in one last post before we adjust the clocks and it’s April.

I’m off to the Caroline Bay Quilters show tomorrow. Not quite sure what to expect as I don’t normally go to things like this, but I had some customers in today that loved what they saw and I know a couple of the ladies in the group…. Kind of excited but it’s a balanced with practicality because I’m in the middle of beading. So as much as I would love a long visit it will be a short one so I can get on with some editing. 🙂

When I got home from the shop this afternoon I decided to give myself a couple of hours off… so I went to lie down and read a book… anyhow nearly 3 hours later I woke up – had a feeling that I really needed that sleep. I feel much better now.

Tomorrow starts the next batch of photo a day challenge. I think I will participate this time. So will see how I go. I will be loading them to FB (not sure if I will do the FF page or my personal page yet) but I might ‘collect’ them all here on the blog under it’s own tab.

So am off to do some work tonight to make up for my nap….





I’m sitting here all dressed up for dinner tonight.

It’s dad’s birthday today. We are having a family dinner up at Terrigal, some restaurant that my sister likes. I’m not one for going out to dinner much, more a homebody with my bottle of wine and chinese takeaway.

And so I find myself sitting here contemplating a few things, trawling Facebook catching up on what happened today and checking the last of my emails for tonight…

This week at the shop has been an interesting one – not only have I had my second and third quilting jobs come in but we’ve reinforced our promise for that good customer service. I hope my customers are having fun when they come in to see me. You seem to be coming back to see me so I must be doing something right. 🙂

I’ve been making plans for May and June – these 2 months are going to be HECTIC with a capital H. In May the first 3 weekends are booked out with markets, and June is Darling Harbour. Dad and I are planning some surprises for DH, I won’t reveal anything yet – you have to come and see me as it’s better that way.

I have had lots of enquiries about kits for a couple of my older projects (photos below) – I am in the middle of sourcing fabrics to make up these kits so stay tuned.


Anyways – I’d better go and finish getting ready for dinner.





A lot of people ask me where I get my inspiration from.

Most of the time something will just pop into my head as if sucked out of the ether. Sometimes I have to work for it, and sometimes I will spot something that will trigger off a thought and the inspiration surfaces somewhere along the way.

This afternoon as dad and I were driving home from the shop (in the most circuitous manner) I spotted a cluster of trees. Now even though it was lovely and sunny and clear blue skies, these trees felt a bit spooky. I think mainly because they had leaves higher up and so the more exposed gnarly trunks were spooky because of their lack of foliage.

So I whipped out my poor battered camera (which lives eternally in my handbag) and snapped a couple of shots.


I’ve been looking for a good set of spooky trees for an art quilt for a while. I think that these guys could be what I want but I will have to test them out with my sketches and see if they fit.

Over the last few days I have been slowly going through the things in my craft room at home. It has been a real eye opener to all the things I had  forgotten. Its good though because there are lots of UFOs that I can finish and put up for sale. I have also discovered many of my beading projects from the last few years – I will get them all sorted and loaded onto my jewellery FB page. Some of these will be for sale too if any one is interested. I’ll reveal the page details when I have it all sorted. 🙂 Plenty of things suitable for gifts and perfect timing as Mother’s Day isn’t far off.

A customer brought her quilt in today for me to quilt. So I am busy with another on the machine at the moment. I like seeing what people are making. That’s inspiring in its way too. I especially love other people’s take on colours and patterns. I’ll put some photos up soon of these customer quilts. I’ll make a new page in the tabs for them.

Oh… just some housekeeping – we will be closed for the Easter long weekend. And Anzac Day as well.

It’s funny but I’ve been really looking forward to winter this year. I have ordered some hand-dyed yarn to knit myself a scarf. The lovely Belinda at Fairythread is doing a custom dye on some cotton for me in my favourite halloween colours. I’m still in the process of making my vintage halloween lap quilt for this chilly season.

I’m off now to do some more writing for my beading magazine.




I love the word. I love what it means, and I love how we use it in everyday language.

I like to think that my life is a mix of random and planned acts. That I have some semblance of control but that I am also at the mercy of whim and fate, destiny and luck.

I have a few friends who bounce through life happy to go along for the ride. They have plans for their lives – but they are vague notions for the future. Personally, I think that was okay 5-7 years ago but as we are all heading towards our late 20s and the big 3-0 maybe some plans would be a good idea.

I plan. A lot. I write frantic lists of things to do everyday because I am always forgetting things. Even if it’s a little thing like my phone or my camera charger. I’m good on big things but it’s the little things that make life easier that I forget on a regular basis. I am getting better at remembering mainly because I am more organised and much more disciplined than I was as a teenager.

Hence why I plan quilts, but also allow the randomness to play its part.

I don’t like to force a design. For me that means following someone’s rules (fabric choice or patterns), but at the same time I like to be guided by something (fabric choice or pattern). My custom quilts are that wire balancing act between me as a designer and what the customer wants.

When you come in to talk to me about a custom quilt there are a few things I need to know –

a) colour – much easier if you have a sample of what you want rather than try to describe it to me

b) size – this means I can work backwards from the finished quilt size and tailor my design into the measurements.

c) the no’s – this is anything you don’t want in the quilt – be it a particular colour or shape, something that may have certain bad memories, that kind of thing

d) budget – there is no point in me designing a specific quilt for you if you can’t afford it.

e) timeframe – this gives me a deadline, whether it be the birth of a baby, a change in season or the arrival of a long lost friend from overseas. I need to know dates. I have to juggle the design time, sourcing materials, cutting, piecing, quilting, basting etc and make sure it is possible. If you can give me 6-8 weeks that is preferable. I add two weeks to the birth of a baby as they have a bad habit of arriving early so 10 weeks prior to the due date (unless its a small quilt less than lap quilt size then the normal time is fine). 🙂

If you are interested in purchasing a custom made quilt I am opening up the ordering time from now until mid-April. I wish to have all orders finished by the first week in May with anything ordered by the end of March finished by the end of May. No custom orders will be taken and done in the months of May and June – unless they aren’t needed until the end of August onwards.

Each order is different – there are no standard prices as it does depend on the fabrics chosen.

Roughly prices for the quilt tops, backing wadding, thread and my time are:

Cot quilts – $100 – $150

Play mats – $150 – $200

Lap quilts – $200 – $280

Single – $250 -$300

Double – $300 -$400

No Queen or King size made at this stage.


Quilting –

Cot $35

Playmat $65

Lap $85

Single $105

Double $135

Queen $165


If you supply some of the fabric this will lessen the cost – but all fabric must be washed, ironed and 100%cotton.

I know this sounds like a lot of rules to make something but believe me it makes the whole process run more smoothly. And more enjoyable for us both. 🙂

For any custom orders please ring (02) 4325 2638, email frankensteinsfabrics@hotmail.com or come and visit me in store.






Year of the Challenge

I’ve been reading a lot of blogs and following many people on Facebook who have been participating in challenges of various kinds.

There is the photo a day for a month, weekly themed blog posts and postal challenges run by bloggers from all over the world.

This challenge movement is fascinating to watch. The volume of participants, the interpretations of the themes and the consistency that people accomplish.

Most of us wouldn’t stick out something that went for a month – for example exercise. I for one am readily willing to admit I cannot stick to exercise or diets. I hate the rules of both. They feel restrictive and claustrophobic. But for some reason these ‘creative’ challenges are appealing to the masses and we all follow suit – and stick to it.

The photograph a day is an interesting one – people get a list of the month’s themes and each day take a photo of that theme and upload it to Facebook or Tumblr or wherever they are displaying their images. I am fascinated by the concept of the photo challenge as it appeals to the instantaneous nature of the world we love in. Everything is quick, we want it now and we tell everyone about it as soon as it happens via our choice of social media. Watching a couple of FB friends in this challenge I am struck by the differences in their interpretations of the daily themes. All at various stages in their lives, all creative women in their own right.

Today’s theme was red. A dramatic, strong, rich colour. I waited to see what these ladies took photos of. A stunning array of red glass, the last flowers on a bottlebrush.

I think if this photo challenge continues I will take it up next month. I find photography a very truthful medium. Capturing things you don’t see with your eyes or your heart.

But in the meantime I think I will set a challenge myself. I was thinking of things that would give a set – like numbers 1-10 or the alphabet. I wanted it to be creative – so was thinking of a challenge where we had to make things. Something small that had the numbers in it – like a necklace with one really amazing focal bead, and matching pair of earrings for two etc… A small quilt with four pieces. A bag with three pockets.

I need to nut it out a bit more but if anyone would like to join me just send me an email.

I’m off to be early tonight (first night this week!) as I am off to the show in the morning. I have a 2 hour train ride from Gosford to Rosehill and need to get up early…. 🙁 not exactly a morning person….


Marching on…

I cannot believe we are in MARCH already!

It feels like yesterday the shop was opened. But I guess time flies when you are having fun. 🙂 Next week the shop will have been open for 5 months. That is very exciting. Nearly at the 6 month mark.

There has been some moments where I had my doubts, (I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t) but we’ve charged through and it’s been a ball. I’ve enjoyed meeting all my new customers (and some old faces from my other jobs) been recognised by many of you from my work on Australian Patchwork & Quilting and my stint doing the craft shows in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Canberra.

Some news for this week – I’ll be at the Rosehill Craft Show on Saturday helping my friend Hans from Know-How Sewing Essentials. Mum and Dad will be in the shop.

I have (finally) worked out a price list for quilting – I have created a new tab for it, go and check it out if you are looking for someone to quilt your quilts.

I had a great day with my friend Stef on Sunday – we had a crafternoon. (I can hear you asking how on earth do I not get sick of making things?) To be honest I do have moments of not wanting to make things, or have no sew-jo (thanks for that Strawberries & Ginger). But 99% of the time I looooooovvvvveeeee making things. I live it, I breathe it. My veins are full of crafty goodness pumping through my system 24/7/365(6).

So anyways Stef and I were making felties and some other random craft stuff that we do (me quilt, Stef cross-stitch). We’ve both been avid followers of the Mollie Makes magazine. Which brings me to my next piece of news…

*drum roll*

As of the end of March, Frankenstein’s Fabrics will be stocking MOLLIE MAKES. Our first issue in stock is #12. Now I am only able to order a limited supply so if you really want it please contact me ASAP and reserve your copy (50% deposit required to confirm reservation). I can tell you now it is a hard magazine to find as not all newsagent stock it and if they do it may only be a few copies and sells out REALLY fast.

I am BEYOND excited about being able to supply this magazine as it has become a firm favourite in my household.



I am monitoring my FB sale at the moment so goodnight and I’ll catch you later this week.






Wearing two hats…an auction and a custom order…

I know, I know most women wear half a dozen hats at any given time. But in my life my hats are only my work hats – I don’t count my ‘home’ hats. And there’s a heap of hats that I won’t be wearing for many years and some I don’t think I will ever wear. 🙂

So back to the hats – I wear a shop hat and a magazine editor hat. Today is the last day that I am ‘in design’ for the issue that will be on sale in May. We run about 3 months ahead with magazines. On my days off and at night I work on the magazine. So by day I am Marni, shop owner at Frankenstein’s Fabrics and by night I am Marni, Editor for EMG’s beading series. It could almost be a double life except for the fact that my lives overlap so much that it really is just one.

For those of you out there in Blogland who do a bit of jewellery making on the side, this is what I do –


I do all the paperwork ‘behind the scenes’ and a graphic designer does all the fancy computer stuff. We have stylists and photographers who do all the images. I work with a talented group of people. Each issue has a different title in the series.

So after today it’s back to the shop and more sewing.

Then in about a week’s time I’ll have to check the colour proofs, make sure everything is correct and then it gets sent off to be printed.

Last night the auction hosted by the Handmade Craft Market closed. The bidders were generous, the items were gorgeous and now all have new homes. We raised $600 towards Walk for Zoe, so that Brodie can complete her aim of participating in the London Marathon.

Bec picked up her custom order on Saturday.

This is how it started.

One cartoon character and some fabric….

Then …

Didn’t take any step shots of piecing so we then skip to ….

Close up of the stippling…


And finally the front…

and the back…

Am now down to the last order for a baby quilt. So that’s on the cutting mat this week.

If anyone would like to order a custom quilt please email me frankensteinsfabrics@hotmail.com, come and see me in store or ring (02) 4325 2638.



Expect, Expecting, Expected…

So here we are at the end (almost) of February. Has 2012 been what you expected thus far?

Mine has and hasn’t, if you know what I mean.

I have been much busier than I was predicting but not in the way I thought I would be busy if I was busy…. (you might have to read that sentence twice, my brain had to think it thrice)

I went into the shop with the aim of selling quilting supplies to quilters. Fairly straightforward, you might say. But since the store opened over 4 months ago it has been mixed custom. I have the quilters coming in and buying supplies, or buying fabrics to do other crafts/hobbies but I have also had custom quilt orders.

Not exactly something I expected. I thought about it and hoped that if an order did come along I’d be in a position to fill said order. But I hadn’t counted on exactly how many orders….

Since we opened there has been 3 custom quilts, 1 custom kit, 2 off the rack quilt purchases, 2 UFO orders from before the shop (that have been WIPs as they were somewhat more technical than the others), plus roughly a dozen commissions from the magazines for various things (toys, quilts, cushions, jewellery, runners, fascinators etc)

Everyone says to me – ‘it’s good to be busy right?’ and you know what? It is! It’s the best thing EVER. Because not only am I getting to do the one thing I love day in, day out but because people are ordering custom made quilts from me I can do all the designs that have been percolating in my head for years. I hate to be idle. It drives me MENTAL. Even when I’m sick I’m doing something. Anything to not be languishing.

I was reading a book the other day called Necroscope by Brian Lumley (WARNING: The covers of the books are not pretty). It’s a horror/sci-fi/mystery intrigue kind of book. The protagonist, Harry Keogh is the necroscope – this means he can talk to the dead. Not talk as in ‘feel’ their presence or receive messages from the other side but talk to them as if they were sitting across the table from him… Anyways… the thing that struck me about this story was where Harry is explaining the dead to someone saying “what they did in life they continue to do in death”. In my head I went wow – I can keep quilting when I’m gone, ghostly sewing machine and rotary cutter….but then that part of my brain that tells me when I’m being dumb piped up and went ‘pffft as if’.

Maybe I’ll just haunt a patchwork shop when I’m gone… 🙂


So back to the custom orders…

Below is the custom order that was picked up last weekend. It is a single bed quilt for a 4 year old girl. It’s stipple quilted in baby pink and is backed in pink with white spots. The binding is a multi-coloured stripe. (Apologies for the dodgy photo – I was in a hurry and dad isn’t tall enough, hence the missing top border LOL)



And here it is all wrapped up with the matching pillowcase made from the leftover fabrics…



I’m off to go through my notes for tomorrow’s appliqué class.
