Be back later….

I won’t be writing blogs for a little while.


Dad’s in hospital and it’s very serious.

I’m still updating on Facebook.


I’ll be back later.


To all of you who’ve already expressed good vibes, thoughts, well wishes and prayers – Thank you <3

So many things…

Once again I have been lax in my blogging duties. I apologise profusely.

but… I have a very, very good reason….well actually maybe not considering how much of everyone’s lives seems to be sucked into the vortex that is Pinterest.

I’ve been merrily pinning my life away – collecting ideas for my Halloween party for this year, some colour combinations for some upcoming projects, cakes for my mum to get inspiration from, things I like and love and the list goes on… It’s not a Pinterest page for the business, it is my personal one. I might start a business one later.

Things have been a little chaotic around my neck of the woods lately – we had the passing away of my great uncle, a leaking rusty hot water tank, car trouble, job drama, hospital drama… hopefully things will settle shortly but the past two months have made life very stressful. When things happen in condensed chunks like this I lose a lot of sleep as my mind keeps picking away at how things could be done differently, I pull apart every aspect of my life to see if something could have been prevented etc… I become neurotic and over-analyse everything.

But in saying that sometimes this self-analysis helps. I can see my life in segments and work out where I can change things or where I can fix something. At the moment for example there are a few people in my life who are nudging me to ‘find’ someone. I’ve been on my own for quite a while and love my single life – but it is hard to maintain that outlook when you are getting hints from friends (and family) that you need someone. It wears me down a little but I still would prefer being on my own. It’s hard too when you are at an age when everyone is getting married and having babies. There is always that niggling doubt in the back of your mind that you are missing some vital human characteristic that makes you want to do these things too and follow the traditional social norms.

Sorry to disappoint folks but I have no intention of having children. Marriage is only on the cards if there is a man out there who can accept all of this craft crazy in me. πŸ˜€

People often ask me why I don’t want children, especially since I make all these quilts for them… my answer…I’m not the mother type usually gets a comment like ‘well neither was I’, but I know that I can’t be there for someone else the way a child needs its mother. That kind of obligatory love is just not in me, I think I’m far too selfish to give up my time in that way. Part of this also stems from some health problems I had 5 or 6 years ago. I won’t go into the gory details but basically the problems I had can potentially cause me issue were I to try and have kids. And yes I know that potential doesn’t mean irrevocably but it’s just something that I am not prepared to risk, nor put a partner through. So for now I am content to live vicariously through my friend’s kids, make them quilts and then hand them back the their parents. I feel no guilt for not passing on my genetic material.


Anyways – I will get back to blogging about craft and quilt stuff next week. I’ll be in market planning mode πŸ™‚





Hi everyone!

Not exactly a riveting post this one and not very long either as I’m still working on a few things and don’t have time to sit and ponder life’s mysteries.

So I will get right to it….

{drum roll…}



The shop turns 9 months old this coming weekend so I thought it’d be a good time for a SALE.

So head on over to my Facebook page and see all the goodies that are up for grabs. All the details are in the album description.

I’ll be adding more things over the coming week and pretty much all the way through the sale ‘month’ (eh, it’s a few days more than a month)

See you over there!



Rain, wood and fabric…

The past few weeks have been a little chaotic…

In the aftermath of Darling Harbour I was running around chasing orders, information, a new job (I’ll explain later), wedding stuff for my sister and a whole lot of other little bits and pieces that seem to pile up.


Firstly –

Wood: The new cross stitch kits arrived this morning. Too cute. Owls and Babushkas, flowers, circles, hearts and ovals.

$15 each – in stock now

Secondly – This week has also been PANEL week. Prices range from $13.20 – $19.80per panel



Thirdly – My new job. Over the last month some things have changed and my beading magazine has been cancelled (not because things are bad, just because the company is changing certain things and moving in other directions). So I went off to look for a part time work because I’m slightly mental and like to keep busy πŸ˜€

So what I am doing is consultancy work for a mail order company – they wanted someone to advise them on craft products – so an easy kind of job for me but not too draining on my energy or time. Bonus points for the job because I don’t have to go into their office!

Everyone has been asking if I’m okay – and yes I am. Not sad or upset but kind of glad because now I have time to start writing my book… more on that later…hehehe

Fourthly – wedding stuff. No it’s not me! It’s my little sister. She became engaged at the end of last year and has started planning some of the stuff that all weddings seem to require these days. So as I am the ‘crafty one’ I got to help out with making invitations. We have just made the bases of all the invites because not all the reception/ceremony details are set in stone yet. My next task is the decorations. Papercrafting is my third crafty love so helping out my sis is no chore. πŸ™‚


It’s raining here in Gosford again today, a bit chilly and my hands are numb (but currently one handed typing as the other hand is wrapped around my peach tea).

I have a whole pile of custom orders waiting for me but everything’s on hold while I wrap up the last issue of beading. After that it’s full stitch ahead with the custom orders, my collection of UFO’s and the next round of magazine projects.

Don’t forget that the class list has been updated and covers us until the last day of trading this year. Book soon to reserve your place as spots are limited in each class. Check the Classes tab for the full list.

If you are interested in a night class please email me – due to limited demand I did not schedule a full complement of night classes and will be doing these as needed when people ask. Also if no-one minds I would prefer to do night classes when Daylight Savings is back on as its cold and miserable in an industrial area at night.

There are no custom quilt spots left this year. If you would like one I am now filling places for 2013. Please email me for quotes or pop in store if you are local. One custom quilt spot per month is all I can allot at this stage – I have other commitments that I am obliged to fulfil.

If you have a small quilt order (cot quilt, playmat, wall hanging) please don’t hesitate to contact me. As these are small pieces I can usually fit them in around the big stuff. When I say one custom order per month I mean single bed size quilt and upwards.

I hope this post hasn’t done your heads in… this is more information than I have written in a long time so I hope it wasn’t too much.

Back to my instructions…




Living under a rock…

So I disappeared for a while… my apologies…

Darling Harbour was … amazing, but time and energy consuming.

The five days of trading gave me some well needed insights to what you as customers want, some really good feedback from you as well and some positive reinforcement to the things I’d been doing.

After all of that week of hustle and bustle I sent pretty much all day Monday asleep. Totally exhausted.

I’ll be releasing a few new and exciting things over the next few weeks so make sure you stay tuned.

Just a teaser…

  • Sale items
  • New classes
  • Free project per month
  • New pattern releases



Surrounded by Sparklies

Okay, okay… I know I’ve been reaaaallllly quiet the past 2 weeks.

My bad. πŸ™

I’ve actually been very busy and have had very little time to sit and write a decent post for you all.

I managed to claim some time back tonight as I’ve gotten some of the work out of the way. I have tomorrow off (gasp!) and everything is ready for the Handmade Craft Market on Sunday.

So, I’ve made a cup of tea, popped my slippers on and put my lap quilt over my knees and am sitting here typing this riveting post for you. πŸ™‚

Catch up of what’s been happening…

The 5th and 6th of May was the Wyong Quilt Show – Janette runs an excellent show, running around organising EVERYTHING including jam and scones for brekky for the stallholders each morning. We had a fabulous 2 days at the show. On one side Hans was demonstrating the Nolting and selling haberdashery and other goodies and on the other side was Down Under Quilts magazine. Deb was there selling back issues and sewing a very pretty quilt for a special little girl. There was a definite thrum of activity in that room at the show – we had demos and machines going, lots of chatter and excitement.

The following weekend (12th and 13th) I was at Hornsby Westfield for the Handmade Craft Market’s pop up market. I had a fun couple of days in the centre – I spent quite a bit of time doing quick demos of the Flip la K templates and madly stitching blocks for a display for Darling Harbour. Which at that stage was 4 weeks away…..

And so to this week – it has been cold and a bit quiet in the shop but you’ve all kept me busy with mail orders (no-one wants to go outside to shop hey? :))


This week I have been busy with the sparkly goodness that is beading.

Next week we go into design for our August issue and I have been editing projects, counting beads, measuring and writing. I love doing a beading mag as it is completely different to my shop stuff. I get to sit down and plan the mag from cover to cover, adjusting things as needed, write articles about things that I find interesting, educational or important, learning more about my contributors and seeing what new and exciting products are available. It all works at a slower pace than the shop and is my mental time away from fabric….as much as I <3 fabric.

I’ve also been busy with a bit of freelance writing – click here to read the online article. The other article will be out in print later on.

We are now 24 days away from set-up for Darling Harbour. I can tell you I am a tad FREAKED out that I’m not ready with my display stuff and that I have 4 quilts to cut, sew, quilt and bind before then… but I’m cool, it’ll get done.

{cue hysterical laughter}

If anyone would like a custom made quilt – please come and see me after the 25th of June – I will be back to normal by then and have some time to give your quilt the attention it deserves. πŸ™‚

New classes will be listed at the end of June – these will be for the second half of the year and include night classes.

This coming week after the market this Sunday I’ll be finishing off a couple of projects for the magazines – I was asked to participate in Australian Patchwork & Quilting‘s birthday challenge. Some gorgeous fabric and I’m going out on a massive limb with my project but I hope you all love it. The other project is for APQ as well but it’s using their new range of fabrics. Not my usual cup of tea but my quilt is a bit modern using this more traditional colours… you’ll see πŸ˜‰

I’m catching up with the girls next week for our most favourite of foods – YUM CHA!!


Then I’ll be sewing madly for a week until my sister and I go to Quarantine Station for a ghost tour… my sister bought me tickets for my birthday πŸ™‚

and then…

{drum rollllllllllll}



So – I’m off to make some jewellery tonight.

I’ll try to post a bit more regularly but … no promises πŸ™‚








I cannot believe how fast this year is flying by. We are past the 6 month mark for the shop, we’re into market and show season and the weather is turning particularly chilly.


The shop is no longer open on Saturdays. There is a sign on the door at the shop, I’ve changed the details, here and on Facebook and I’ve made several status updates announcing as such.

We are at the Wyong Quilt Show this weekend – come along and say hi.

In the latest copy of Patchwork & Stitching Magazine my Punk Princess quilt is published. I have 5 kits left of it for sale and will have them with me tomorrow at the show. $85 for the fabrics just to make the quilt top and the binding or $120 if you want backing as well. You’ll also need 2m of Vliesofix which is sold separately.


I’m also about to release the pattern for In Flight. It will be available as a pattern, will be taught as a class from the end of June and also comes as a tailored kit.

The tailored kits are where I work with you to create a kit to your liking, we liaise via email with photos and colour swatches to create a unique quilt for you. I can only do a limited number of these as they take more time to compile so if you are interested please send me an email

There’s lots of other things happening over the next few weeks. I’ll have to keep you updated after the weekend.


Hope you all have a great weekend!

Marni πŸ™‚

Competition Time

We’ve been hovering around the 240 likes mark on Facebook for a little while, so I was thinking it might be time for some fun. We are also fast approaching our last Saturday trading day.

So on Saturday the 28th at 9pm AEST I will be hosting…


I will post 10 questions – one question per image in an album. The details of the competition will be listed in the album description.

The first person to email me with all 10 correct answers after the signal is given on the night will win a $25 gift voucher.


So make sure you are all around on Saturday night with your quilting caps on.


Good luck and see you then!







I can hear some of you thinking that this post will be a whinge about the rain… well I hate to disappoint but it will be nothing of the sort… see I LIKE rain… Β except when I have washing to do or have to catch public transport.

I love the smell, the sound and the look of it. I love the way it makes me want to curl up with a hot chocolate and a good book under my favourite quilt. How it makes my cat snuggly. How it makes the fog and mist hang around the tree tops at the end of the street behind my house and how I always feel like I get a good nights sleep when I can hear it falling outside.

I also like BIG storms – with lots of lightning and thunder. I love the energy of a storm and I always feel like this recharges me and that my creative impulses are renewed and revitalised….

You might have realised that I am a bit weird.

No worries….

The rain today seemed to bring out a lot of customers. In fact it felt like the busiest day since we opened. That was fantastic! But was it the rain? What made you all come out today on such a miserable, soggy day? You all had to traispe inside from your cars, dashing across the sodden grass to get to the door. I was pleased to see you all regardless of the weather and I thank you for making today a good day. πŸ™‚

Onto other things…still rain related….

Rainy weather is the perfect weather to get some sewing done. And the rain today was a perfect start to my sewing to do list….

– commissioned lap quilt for customer (needs border, quilting and binding)

– lap quilt for magazine project (which will then be my winter quilt) needs quilting and binding

– finish binding on a playmat, table runner and one single bed quilt (playmat and table runner will go up for sale)

– double bed quilt top (finish piecing, then quilt and bind) then will be up for sale

– quilt top for magazine project (quilting and binding)

– girls lap quilt – fairy themed (border, quilting and binding)

– 2 x single bed UFO quilt tops (currently sitting in box in blocks and borders…. but when done will be up for sale)

– single bed made from fat quarters (finish appliquΓ©s, quilt and bind)

– start on competition quilt

– 1x boys, and 1 x girls single bed quilts for Darling Harbour (possible kits)


If I can get a lot of these things out of the way this week I will be a happy woman and can sort out the other odd things I need to get done. I’m starting to get very, very, VERY excited for Darling Harbour. I have sooooo many ideas and things that I want to showcase but I need to sit down and nut it all out properly. I have some surprises and some interesting things planned, so you’ll need to mark it down in your diary to come and see me.

Anyways, its still raining so I’m off to get into bed with my book and a hot water bottle.


